Our most serious potato gatherer Lily who also got the dirtiest. She is very proud of that fact too.
We harvested what was left of the potatoes wednesday. Wow was it hot. We had lots of people show up to share in the harvest. It seemed like less than we’ve had in past yrs but that might just been because more got harvested before that the old fashioned way with garden forks instead of Mr. Bill’s tractor turning the dirt for us. A good time was had by all for sure. Jameson our youngest gatherer present melted all our hearts with his shouts that he’d found a potato and then his facial expressions when he helped Mr. Bill drive the tractor around. Lily got the award for having the most enthusiasm for digging with her bare hands on hands and knees. I’m sure she got more potatoes than anyone. She seemed to be everywhere finding them. They can’t hide from her. I believe she was the one who was talking about “Potato Madness”. Her sister Morgan got a lot of attention when she rescued a young mouse with her bare hands and took it to the tall grass to release. A new kind of catch and release program.
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