By B.S.
This post is part of our Field Notes series written by survivors of intimate partner abuse at GreenHouse17:
I started out this week weeding the purple green beans. They look like they are ready to be harvested.
The tomatoes out in the field are still real green so it will probably be next week before any of them is ready to be picked. Jessica said today, while we were in there weeding the ones in the hoop house they were about done this year. She said probably next week we will pull them up and start planting other things in their place for the winter.
I harvested the squash and zucchini again. The cucumbers still aren’t doing very good. All the peppers look great and some are huge and just perfect, not a spot on them.
Jessica was doing some flower arrangements for a memorial service and they sent her some of the deceased woman’s pottery and art work so she could get a sense of what the woman was like and her use her pottery as vases for the flowers. Which I thought was awesome. She also had a meeting today for some flower arrangements and they are going to be for the BCTC College for, I think she said their anniversary, which is awesome. It’s neat how they picked GreenHouse17 flowers for their event.
Next week is my last week, but I will still be going out there every week and volunteering because I like it. It gives me good exercise and helps keep my mind clear and occupied.
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