This week I was stumped on what to write about for my blog. It was a crazy busy office week with not as much activity at the gardens, and I was not sure what to highlight.
Then this morning, I (Maria Arnot) and Jenny Hudson had visitors come to town. The West Virginia Food and Farm Coalition is doing work with mobile markets, and wanted to include ours is the discussion. After a very engaging conversation, we decided to take a tour of our gardens.
As I was walking along the gardens (and noticing how many weeds take over in just a few days time) and pointing out all of the produce in our high tunnels, I pointed to my friend Garnett and said “now these cucumbers are the weirdest thing I have ever seen, they are all little balls, and they are all yellow!!”
To which he laughed and responded “Maria..these are lemon cucumbers!!!” After he proceeded to pick one from the vine, wipe off the dirt and told me to eat it it.
It was delicious!! Will need to have some taste tests at the market tomorrow.
In addition to the yellow cucumbers, it was also drawn to my attention for the second time this summer, that our soil is needing fertilizer bad. As you can see in our picture below, the corn is just yellow (meanwhile, one of our gardeners in growing beautiful corn right next to our tunnel.
We used fish emulsion last week on our other high tunnels, and those are looking beautiful. Later on this evening, if the rain lets up, we will be using the fish emulsion on this high tunnel, and also laying hay between rows. Will show the effects of fish emulsion next week:)
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