-Bea Sias,Logan Grow Appalachia Group
Although I know it is August, chilly evenings and mornings tend to make it feel like fall. I know we will have several hot days to look forward to in the month, but the promise of fall is in the air.
I have been in touch with my Gardeners just to see what they have canned or frozen from the gardens. We certainly have a lot of berry-pickers, because everyone has frozen or canned berries. There is nothing quite as good as a blackberry cobbler with ice cream. I love them, so do my family, and I like to make cobbler, makes the house smell so good!
Beans seem to be the main vegetable to can or freeze. Cabbage this year, I don’t think produced very well. A lot of folks said their cabbage wouldn’t head. I know it isn’t quite time to harvest potatoes, but everyone has said they will have plenty. A nice big pot of Potato Soup on a cold day with cornbread is mighty good.
As far as cabbage goes, it is not doing so good. But you can always buy some at the Farmers’ Market to make Kraut, which I submitted a blog entry with a Hot Kraut recipe, it is very good.
Some people’s corn in our area has not fully come in. However, I have seen 2 or 3 people on the road selling corn and they are selling the good corn. Silver Queen and Peaches and Cream, nothing better with a lot of butter. I know the butter is not good for cholesterol, but the corn and butter are so-o-o good together.
Soon it will be time to sow our seeds for greens: turnip, mustard, kale and collards. I love any kind of greens, and they really are good for you. Some people can greens and I have seen people freeze them. Anyway you go, they are good.
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