Maria Arnot here in Williamson… Having some anxiety at the moment as I just realized we are halfway through August already… But luckily we are ahead of the game at the Williamson community garden of Eatin’ with our fall crops planted and growing at a rapid pace. As of now our turnips, kale, spinach, radishes and a fall crop of beans sprouting!
Also at the gardens, as well as at farms around the area… we have lots of cabbages. We have completed the zucchini overload month and are now flooded with tomatoes and cabbage.
Which I why I have been in encouraged over and over to can sauerkraut. And being someone who is not canning savvy, this is supposed to be one of the easiest items to can. While doing some research I find this link and wanted to share it with you. They are very basic instructions and are even easy enough for me to follow.
Next week I will be learning to can tomato sauce, so will share my expertise afterwards!
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