Hi Y’all, It’s Late-Again Lori, but I have a valid excuse. (I think)
First of all, let me tell you about our little harvest this week. We harvested around 40 lbs of zucchini, 5 lbs of cucumbers and a hand full of pretty little radishes. We processed and froze about 14 dozen ears of corn for the food pantry to be held as soon as I get all that zucchini blanched and froze. Thankfully I should have a little help getting that done.
This coming week we are looking at another 3 or 4 bushels of corn ready to harvest, a bushel or two of lettuce, more zucchini and squash, along with a bunch more cucumbers. We will be canning 2 bushels of green beans and hopefully I will come across some apples to make applesauce and apple butter with.
The reason for the late blog post is, well, I went to the WV State Fair yesterday and didn’t get home until around midnight. The sole purpose for the trip was to go to the Ag building, look at tractors and the live stock. While we were there, we came upon a Grillo dealer. This is great news for all of our WV sites that are close enough to travel to Union WV. We compared the prices between Earthtools which is totally awesome, and found this place to be right in line price wise. They also are a service department for Grillo. The name of the place is Small Equipment Services, Inc. They are located on Doss Shaver Road, Union, WV. The phone number is 304-772-5459. They also a dealer for the other brands as well. I like that they are close enough to us should our plow ever need service. And driving there would save money on shipping charges for parts.
While we were checking out the AG building, we got into a conversation with a lady from the WV Department of Agriculture about what we are doing with Grow Appalachia. She was very excited about it because apparently the Dept. of Ag here is wanting to help get potato farms going in McDowell and other southern WV counties. She said they want to see southern WV become the next Idaho. I don’t know about becoming the next Idaho, but I know this is a perfect opportunity for us and the county. I will be calling the Chief of Staff Executive Division this week and see what we can do.
We tell everyone that will listen, and even ones that don’t about our partnership with Grow Appalachia and they love the idea and believe it is overdue to have a program like that here.
I do have one question for y’all; Is it weird that I want to try to grow rice?
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