So many neat things are happening here at the farm! We couldn’t decide which one to share with you this week, so we made a list like you find on Buzzfeed and Upworthy.


1.) This week we were so very fortunate to be in Las Vegas at the Gathering of Paul Mitchell Professionals. It was an AMAZING opportunity to share our story and products with stylists, distributors, vendors … and this guy!

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Our Executive Director Darlene with JP at the Gathering!


2.) Behold here the best salsa ever made by anyone anywhere in the world. That might seem like an exaggeration, but our residents and staff concur the statement is accurate indeed. Nothing is more delicious than salsa made from summer tomatoes, peppers, and onions grown on the farm!


This photo of the best salsa ever made in all of history was taken by Mary.


3.) Our super-supporters sometimes let us throw parties in their homes to share our mission. And when we do, local chefs are there preparing delicious small bites using vegetables, greens, and herbs from the farm! This month Kate Horning from Simply Nutritious by Kate was our guest chef. Note the seriously fancy field-to-table demonstration happening in this video!


4.) We love to talk about our farm, but we REALLY love it when other people talk about our farm! This week the twitterverse had some really nice things to say. #TweetLove

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5.) A lot of hustle happens every Thursday morning on the farm. That’s when Jessica, Amber, and stipend participants prepare the CSA boxes and weekly flower bouquet orders.


6.) Our friends at Third Street Stuff in downtown Lexington let us set up at their location every summer Thursday so folks can pick up their CSA and flower orders. Jessica, our farmer, looks right at home on their colorful and funky patio!

This photo was posted by Third Street Stuff on their Facebook page!

7.) And the final thing on our list this week — this happy recipient of a flower bouquet from the farm!

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Image from our Twitter feed.


So, what might happen next?

A survivor will experience a healing moment surrounded by nature out on the farm.

A family will become more self-sufficient because of job training during the stipend program.

A brother and sister living in shelter will eat all of their vegetables at dinner because they helped their mom harvest them from the farm earlier that afternoon.

We will be able to help more survivors of intimate partner abuse establish safety and hope for better tomorrows.

Our community comes together to support survivors and speak out against abuse.