By: Bea Sias LEAD Community Organization


My blog this week is how to make Bea’s special homemade hot kraut, the following are the directions I use depending on the amount of kraut you want to make:

Materials: 5 head of cabbage, Canning Jars, Hot Water, Cutting Knife

Frist you need to clean the cabbage thoroughly,  cut in 4 quarter pieces and remove the core. (Do not throw away the core)

Then you need to wash the cabbage real good in hot water. Let the water run directly on the cabbage. Separate each quarter of the cabbage. Then take the cabbage and put in food processor and you can chop or shred it, either way depends on what you prefer.

Take each jar by the top with a clean dish towel and put in a medium size spoon of iodized salt in the bottom of every jar. Put the cabbage in the jars as tight as possible. Put hot boiling water over your cabbage. Cut a hot pepper in rings and stuff it down in the jar with the cabbage. The you will place a cabbage core or two in each jar.

Make sure the hot water comes to the rim of the jar. Place the lid and ring on the top of the jar but do not tighten lid too tight. Place the jars in a dark place for 2 weeks so the brine of the kraut can work and the cabbage will turn into kraut.

After 2 weeks tighten jars and place on your shelves of canned food.

If your cabbage did not do well this year you can go to the store and buy some heads of cabbage to make your kraut with. Always remember to can and plant by the signs to have a beautiful and plentiful garden.