I browned a lb. of turkey sausage added in a couple chopped onions. Threw in some fresh chopped rosemary and parsley, then salt,pepper, a crushed boullion cube, chopped tomato,garlic and green pepper. Next a cup or so of hot water and the quartered potatoes. After 10minutes or so added the beans. Once the beans were softened I added the sliced zucchini. Lastly added chopped kale and spinach cooked another couple minutes and enjoyed. This dish is always even more delicious the next day. The original recipe doesn’t have tomato, gr.pepper or greens I’ve just started adding in other things when I have them.
Wow 9 days away and the garden has exploded. Beans everywhere, tomatoes ripening. Raspberries and Blackberries starting. Corn tasseling. Everything way bigger. I’ve got to eat fast and get over to the garden for worknite. Sue@Lmu
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