Greetings from Park Place!
June has been replaced by July; and thus ends the YWCA’s Tech GYRLS summer programs. But before they headed off for their long awaited summer vacation, we celebrated in the garden by harvesting potatoes & carrots, building scarecrows, and making and eating garden veggie wraps. A great day was had by all especially as we worked through bouts of rain ending the day in a down pour that made everyone grab their wrap and run!
Being the first year for Park Place we had no idea how things would turn out or who would be the recipient of the produce the new garden program would grow. We’re thrilled that Tech GYRLS has adopted us and we them! I can’t tell you how exciting it is to hear squeals of delight from kids digging their very own potatoes or being amazed as carrot after carrot was pulled from the ground!
I take a personal pride each and every time I present kids with a table full of fresh vegetables for seasonal garden wraps and watch them dive in; devouring and asking for more. It makes every weed, every drop of sweat, and every dollar scraped well worth the effort.
Thank you Grow Appalachia for giving these young girls an opportunity of a life time! We’ve formed a beautiful new partnership that I hope continues to flourish come fall when the GYRLS return from summer break to continue their harvest and learning experiences in a garden they now call “their own”.
Happy July! ~Deni~
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