St. Peter’s Episcopal Church from Percival Virginia spent the week at the HEP Center. They spent the week doing various things around the center to make it easier for us to serve the community.
They really love the community garden, and spent a lot of time doing things to make it better. They weeded all of the raised beds, picked a bushel of lettuce and about a cup of peas. They planted more lettuce, and some cucumbers in the box that contained the lettuce. Several of the raised beds had more seeds added to them, beans and squash mostly as well as different kinds of lettuce. They planted several hills of zucchini, squash, and acorn squash in the recently plowed 7th spot. About a half a million feet of garden hose was fixed, and they watered the garden each day.
They worked very hard and we are eternally grateful.
I swear you can see our plants growing right before your eyes. We look at them in the morning, do the watering and things, and by afternoon there is already a change happening with them; tomatoes are a little bigger, corn is a bit taller, and peppers are longer. It’s very satisfying to see what can come from a tiny little seed.
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