WOW! Our garden spots have really been doing great. We harvested less than a third of our leaf lettuce so far, it was almost a bushels worth before cleaning and de stemming. We have over 100 tomato plants flowering, peas are podding, beans are beaning, and the corn is waist high.
We have taters, peppers, strawberries are producing, squash, cucumbers, broccoli, carrots, cabbage, head lettuce and all kinds of other things are sprouted.
We got two of our free chickens so far, which have given us a dozen and a half eggs. More chickens will be coming soon.
We spoke to another lady that has a family member that raises bees, and she is going to see if she can hook us up with some of them!
Our participant families gardens are doing well, there has not been any harvest yet, but it wont be long.
Our summer work groups are really behind this project, and one will be building us a greenhouse when they come in July. The group that is coming in next week will be doing raised beds, and helping in the community garden.
I stopped in the locally owned hardware store a week or so ago, and the owner who also happens to be a board member for HEP gave us 4 flats of various pepper plants, and 2 flats of zucchini plants. There were so many plants we had to plow two more spots on the side of the mountain to plant them all.
We found a good mulch alternative, we heat with a pellet stove at our home, and at one point this winter one of the bags broke in the back of the truck. The pellets got wet, and being just compressed saw dust they expanded all over the bed of the truck. I had a couple bags left over so we poured them on plastic, soaked them down, when they got done returning to sawdust form, we scooped them in to a trash can, and will be using them for weed suppression. A 4 dollar bag of pellets turns into a 35 gallon pile of mulch, not too shabby.
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That’s a great picture! I love lettuce!