I have been in touch with some of my Gardeners to find out what kind of vegetables their gardens are giving them.  I was really surprised what they were getting already.  Not everyone is eating from their gardens, but two or three are getting several things, like squash, potatoes, and of course lettuce and green onions that always comes in first.

Jayden and Tim Bartram  working in their gardens.

Jayden and Tim Bartram working in their gardens.

I attended Wesleyan College on June 6th and 7th.  We went for a training session on different types of Healthy Food, Farmer’s Market, and different subjects pertaining to Gardening.  They had so much information on this subject.  One session I really enjoyed was about how to get kids excited about growing food.  They gave two paper towels to each pair of gardeners.  They then chose two plants to grow from the planting charts.  The instructions were to then start one plant by seed, and one plant by transplant.  You should use the paper towels as spacing and layout guides when they plant in the garden.  Have the partners write their names, their plant’s name, and the word short, medium or tall to describe the plant’s height on each towel. They will plant their seed in a mini garden the size of the paper towel, and ask how many plants can grow in that little space.  They were then instructed to discuss the gardens with the kids to encourage their participation.

I think this would make a good Science Project for a Junior High School student to do, and it would be good for any adult to try.  We are planning our efforts to work with some of the younger kids in the summer programs and hope to discuss our gardening projects and what we have learned over the past few months with Grow Appalachia.


Bea Sias