This week while doing some garden visits, We was pleasantly greeted with wonderful looking gardens! Each one had lots of veggies growing and doing very well. If the weather cooperates with us this year the harvest should be very good! We saw so many different ideas and each was working. Zucchini and tomatoes setting fruit, beans starting their runners, squash blooms galore!
Rainbow chard bursting with color was in almost every garden. Most of our gardeners had never heard of this plant let alone planted it before. We gave these wonderful heirlooms out this year and each garden has this growing well.
We saw a lot of companion planting going on. I guess they were listening during that class. 🙂 We saw basil paired with tomatoes, onions with lettuce and cucumber. Also, lots of marigolds everywhere.
We even saw celery growing in one garden. It is hard to grow in full sun, but this is looking really good. If you try this please remember to tie your plants together so it will grow like the bunches you see in the store.
Cabbage and Broccoli are doing well in all of the gardens we saw.
Cucumbers are being harvested and most of the plants we saw were full of blooms. Lots of pickles for this year!
Not only are the vegetables doing good, but all of the fruit seems to be doing well also. We saw a beautiful bed full of cantaloupe vines with lots of blooms beginning to set fruit. We saw a wonderful idea with raspberry bushes planted in containers. They were all full of ripening fruit.
Grape vines were hanging full of grapes just waiting for the jelly jars.
The blackberries are full of fruit also. One gardener had a full row of tame blackberries that have been in her garden for about 5 years. All looked good and full of fruit.
Culinary herbs are doing great also. One herb gardener has a mixed bed of chives, basil, parsley, thyme and oregano that looks wonderful! Lots of different things going on in the gardens this year. We are proud we are getting people out of their comfort zones and trying new things!
We can’t wait to see what another month will bring to the gardens.
Happy Gardening!
Waynette Harness
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