We chipped away a bit at our worm bin project. The bin has sides and we have newspapers for bedding! I am working diligently on a garden design for next season. I plan to develop a food forest with fruit trees and perennials along with annual crops. I have been creating a plant variety list with sources, prices, etc. I hope to make a digital version of the garden area plans and show a finished version of our plant variety file to receive feedback and help other build similar projects
HI. I am over in Letcher County. I am also making a food forest, so I am really interested in your project. I would drive over to Lotts Creek to see it some day. I am jnot starting from scratch, except in part of one field. Instead, I am adding to the existing fields and forests. I just planted 61 food trees — persimmons, Juneberries, pawpaws, and burr oaks — plus six grapes. I plant the grapes running up trees, like some Austrians do. My mother ran grapes up her apple trees in Jenkins. I have a nut arbor already. Greta Fields: appalgardener@gmail.com
I’d love to work with you. 🙂