Here we are with the rest of the story of this wonderful week!
The missionary group that was with us this week from Alabama, was a wonderful blessing the whole week. Day 3 found us back at the Women’s Shelter. We checked on the bed that we had planted a couple of weeks ago. It is doing good and the residents should be harvesting soon. However, while there we realized that the single bed may not be enough room. The teenagers and myself decided to add another raised bed for the Shelter residents.
We installed the bed and added the soil. We planted this new bed with more tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and carrots. We are very happy with the results.
Another project that the kids helped with was at the local Sr. Citizens Center. We took a raised bed and soil to the center. The kids planted tomatoes, peppers and onions. Soon the Seniors will be harvesting for their daily lunch meal.
The girls were very proud of their work!
Next we moved on over to the local food bank. We have been wanting to spruce up this building for some time. With all these hands we thought this would be a wonderful time to do this project.
Once again the kids were eager to get started. The soil was delivered and the plants and flowers ready. This group just jumped right in and started working.
They learned how to take plain soil and add the necessary amendments to help the plants thrive.
They wrestled the bigger shrubs into the ground. Time was running out and they were eager to see the finished product. This put them in high gear and they worked faster and harder.
All hands were on deck and the project was finished in record time!
Now how is this for a transformation! Much more welcoming. We will be putting chard in between the shrubs and flowers to be given out at the food bank.
What an awesome group of young people. Much was accomplished this week thanks to these guys. We certainly have been blessed the last few weeks with lots of helping hands!
Happy Gardening!
Waynette Harness
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