On May 30, 2014, I had my second workshop. I had 7 in attendance, and we discussed bugs, deer, rabbits and other animals, on how they could destroy your garden. One person said the way he gets rid of bugs on plants is he uses flour (I don’t know if it is Self-Rising or Plain) but I am sure both would work. He takes the flour and garlic powder and mixes it together and sprinkles on his plants. This way you do not have the bug dust to deal or worry about all the chemicals and toxic on your plants. I really don’t know about this, but to get rid of deer in the Garden someone said if you hang plastic bags around your garden, (if it is fenced in) on the fence post, it will keep the deer out. Another participant said to put newspaper in the rows of your garden, place a rock on the newspaper to hold the newspaper down. He said your garden would be free of weeds.
We discussed several things about the garden from getting rid of bugs, deer, and how to make your own bug spray, and also discussed what they will need for canning and preserving their own vegetables. I ask how many would need supplies for canning their vegetables and only about 5 would need a canner or other canning supplies.
My next Garden Workshop is June 27, 2014, at 3:00. The Extension Agent from Logan County Extension Agency, Dana Wright, will be the guest speaker. She will be giving a workshop on canning and preserving your vegetables.
Bea Sias
Thanks for sharing, Bea. I hope to hear and see pictures from the canning workshop!