OH what a wonderful week we have had! Long, hot, and sweaty but, productive and fulfilling at the same time. We were once again blessed with a wonderful group of teenagers and their adult chaperones. This group was on a mission trip from Alabama. They helped us work in the gardens of some of our participants who were sick or in need. A few weeks ago I introduced you to Ms. Teresa. She grows alot of food for her family and also for our local food bank. Her father is a big help in the 7 gardens on her property. Her father unexpectedly got sick. Her garden’s were in need of work. We took this wonderful group of kids to her farm. They set right to work!
What a sight it was to watch these young people marching into the gardens to start the weeding and hoeing that was needed.
All these hands made short work of garden number one. This was just the beginning.
Some of these kids had never seen onions like this growing in a garden. Some had never seen a garden before.
Then on to garden number two.
These ladies really made the beet rows look good! After putting in about 3 hours of work. They moved on to other obligations for their trip. They returned the next morning raring to go!
Garden number 3 was tackled the next morning.
Teresa showed the kids what was plants and what was weeds.
Garden number 4 is a beautiful tomato garden. The boys in the group had this garden worked before we even knew they were there!
The workers did not go away empty handed. Teresa sent the makings of a wonderful salad with the kids. What beautiful lettuce was growing in her garden!
Teresa was a very happy lady by the time these guys were threw for the day. All her garden were clear of weeds and watered. In just a few hours these wonderful teenagers and adults had done work that would have taken Teresa days to do. The helping hands just keep on helping.
That is not all these kids have done this week to help out our program. Stay tuned for day 3 and 4 in my next blog. Happy Gardening!
Waynette Harness
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