Hi there, let me introduce you to one more kinda fantastic lady! This is Ms. Glenda. She is a second year participant in our program. This lady sure has come leaps and bounds since last year.
She has learned so much, and has a wonderful husband who helps her see her goals reached. Glenda’s husband constructed her a cute little green house so she can better start her abundance of heirloom seeds.
Over the years, Glenda has built a huge collection of heirloom seeds passed down from family members. Thanks to our wonderful instructors, she has learned better how to start these seeds in the spring. Also, how to collect and save these wonderful seeds.
We now find Glenda in the teaching position herself. She taught us how to save and start heirloom tomato seeds a new and easy way!
In late summer Glenda collects two or three of her best tomatoes. She simply uses a foam plate and a paper towel to collect her seeds. She squeezes the seed from the tomato onto the paper towel and places it in her green house. There they dry and stick to the towel. She leaves the plate in the green house all winter sitting idol waiting for spring.
When spring arrives she simply places soil on top of the towel and waters. Soon the seeds sprout and begin to grow. When they reach a few inches high she divides the seedlings into growing cells. When the plants and the weather are ready to the garden they go. What a wonderful way to start those heirlooms!
While visiting Glenda, we crossed her little bridge to the other side of a beautiful little creek that runs across the back of her property. I turned to see such a beautiful view of her little homestead. She is truly a gifted gardener. Besides growing a wonderful vegetable garden, she has a bounty of wonderful flowers and bushes that she got from her family and friends. She has examples of many hard to find heirloom plants.
Last year, thanks to Grow Appalachia, Glenda received a chicken tractor and some laying hens. She has proven she knows her chickens also. Just take a look at those fat little beauties! Happy and healthy chickens make for wonderfully healthy eggs.
Cathy and I love the way Glenda has laid out her vegetable garden. Everything tucked into neat little rows and beds. Can’t wait to see how much she grows this year.
When we visit gardeners we usually come away with some goodies of our own. Gardeners are very sharing people. They are always willing to share a piece of a plant that you admire. Glenda is no exception. I admired her Lily of the Valley plants and she immediately got a trowel and began to dig up a starter piece for me.
When we left her, Glenda was working away in that charming little green house of hers. Such a beautiful spirit she is, I hated to leave.
Glenda is just one of our wonderful gardeners. I look forward to introducing you to more of them as the season goes on. Happy Gardening!! 🙂
Waynette Harness
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