As the rain has rolled in all morning, we are thankful that we were able to get in two fulls days of manual labor at the garden this weekend. Despite temperatures in the high 80s, we were able to get much accomplished and had plenty harvested for the Farmers Market on Saturday. We had a beautiful display, and had THREE new individuals show up at the market to sell their product on Saturday. One was a young boy who was still in high school, that had harvested bamboo bean pools and fresh picked green onions.
On Sunday we had a great time working with some of our gardeners, and making the garden space beautiful. As you can see, they are growing some beautiful produce. All of our participants have been gardening more than ever, and working more on their own and without us reminding them to weed, water and harvest. Now, every time we show up there, there is always two or three people out there working alongside us.
Billy and Juanita Gibson harvest some of their mustard and kale. Billy is 86 years old and maintains 3 garden plots.
We also planted over 100 flowers along our fence line, as well as green beans, with the help of our friend Tiera.
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