By S.B.
Farm Stipend Participant
This week was my first week in the garden working so far.
When I was a teenager my mother tried to teach me about gardening, and I resisted the learning aspect of the experience. I did what I was told and that was pretty much it. I never understood why she liked it so much and never really ever thought to ask.
Now as an adult I want to learn how to garden to have fresh vegetables to eat and also to have pretty flowers to look at and enjoy.
I really enjoyed today, and especially because I really felt a sense of connection with God and the universe. I could hear the birds talking to each other and feel the dirt with my fingers. It was amazing.
I found myself at peace enjoying the hard work and the wonder and excitement to see how they grow and what it will look like when they do grow.
There was at one time today when I was weeding that I got especially tired and was hurting, and at that very moment, the sun peaked through the clouds and was shining especially on me! I felt as though God was smiling at me because he was pleased with how much pleasure I was getting out of being in the garden and in the amazement at how complex the Lord truly is!
This post is part of our Field Notes series written by survivors of intimate partner abuse. Featured image is a still from a video produced by Pinnacle Productions.
I’m so happy for your discoveries today I pray they are always and forever a source of renewal for you! Sue