Our April meeting was a busy evening for us. We started with guest speaker Bill Best of Sustainable Mountain Agriculture Center.
Bill is a retired professor from Berea College who has spent years collecting the heirloom beans and the stories that go along with the beans. Bill has traveled the Appalachia region making guest appearances and hosting seed swaps along the way. His hopes are to preserve our Appalachian bean seeds from extinction.
Bill has authored the book Saving Seeds, Perserving Taste. If you would like to obtain his book or your are interested in purchasing his seeds. Please contact him thru his website. www.heirlooms.org
The second half of our meeting was our warm season seeds distribution with nearly 40 people in attendance we had a good turn out. Some of the seeds that were given were White Half Runner beans, Blue Lake beans, straight and crookneck yellow squash, zucchini, cucumbers, watermelon are to name a few.
Our participants will pick their plants up from McCreary County High School Greenhouse next week. We are very pleased that we can purchase our plants from the school’s greenhouse. The students do a wonderful job growing these plants. This coming week we will have our seed and plant distribution in Scott County so stay tuned for more on that.
Cathy Lackey
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