Slowly we are seeing those little green buds popping out on most of our plants which is a good sign that the growing season is well underway. Our folks are tilling, hoeing, fertilizing, and planting as fast as they can to prepare for a busy growing season. Several bags of potatoes and onion sets went out over the past few weeks and we are looking forward to seeing these in the ground. Many of those working with this program are first timers and have been able to get a lot of information from Bea and the office staff about how to get started and shoring up their garden plans
.We will be out on the road over the next few weeks as we check out the progress of our families new-found hobby of gardening to help sustain their ability to provide. Many in our area do not have access to home-grown vegetables and we are looking forward to seeing an increase in self grown supplies over the summer. One individual reported back that this will be her first garden and she is looking forward to spending time with her grandchildren as she works throughout the summer. They are especially excited about growing their very own pumpkins for the fall. Stay tuned for next week as Bea will give us an update on the planting signs and a good weekend to get more in ground.
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