We are pretty sure that it is finally spring here on Big Ugly Creek. My friend, Jason, who is also principal of one of the middle schools in the region actually said (with a smile) “Yes, some of these hollers are so narrow that they have to truck in the sunshine.” Sometimes it seems that he is right about that. But I am convinced that spring is really here. My sugar snap peas are starting to peek out from the soft mulch and my dogs are following behind me to investigate what it is that I am so intense about burying in the dirt. Since I am the alpha dog they figure (with dog logic) that if I am burying something it must really be a treasure and perhaps they should dig it up when I am not looking.
Everyone has been asking when is the best time to plant this or that, so Bea came from Logan to teach us about planting by the signs. Our members gathered at Big Ugly Community Center to learn about the signs.
Many of our elders used the signs as a guide for planting, but that skill seems to have disappeared from our culture. Many of those attending recalled their grandparents using this technique.
At the end of the workshop members picked up their potatoes and onion sets. Seems April 7-9 are good times to plant those.
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