Greetings from Park Place
It’s snowing again… but the promise of spring is in the air. Dandelions are greening and a rare yellow flower has been spotted! And did I mention the daffodils?
It’s map time for us and we’ve enjoyed playing with graph paper. Measuring beds and drawing lines; figuring out how much of each plant to plant. It’s important when the transplants are finally ready… how many do you need to take? How much space do you have? And where should I put those seeds? How big will the plants grow and do I have space for everything I want to grow? The mapping stage is important, because it helps you set up your plan. It helps you think about what your garden needs as far as space. It allows you to dream!
So sharpen your pencil and get out the measuring tape. Go outside and get some fresh air; don’t worry about the weather. Spring is here, so enjoy it!
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