As the snow fell and the wind blew, we check on our hoop houses to see what was going on under that plastic. We found lots of green goodness going on! Can’t wait for that first salad.
We had a wonderfully informative class this week. What did our new participants learn? Well, first of all our county extension agent, Mr. West, delivered our soil test results. He explained in great detail how to understand the results and recommendations that were given. He answered many questions that our gardeners ask. I think everyone left knowing what their ground needed to produce top production for the season.
Next, Ms. Cathy Lackey demonstrated how to plant and harvest a salad bowl garden. She recommended to the parents in our group, that they let children experiment with these type of gardens. They can have fresh healthy salad at anytime.
We now have participants eager to plant and share salad bowl gardens with some elderly folks in our community! Also, some of our community garden gardeners are excited to share these with children in the community. This would help the area kids to eat healthier and start learning how to grow their own food.
We are happy at the direction our gardeners are going with the information our classes are giving them. We are seeing the love of gardening blossoming in our participants.
Next Cathy and Tom demonstrated how to direct sew seeds such as, lettuce, carrots and radishes. Many new gardeners have never done this before. We also learned how to prepare, plant and fertilize potato seed.
We now have gardeners anxious for the snow and cold to be replaced with some warm sunshine so they can use what they are learning in those gardens they are waiting to start!
The excitement is building for what this season will bring to our community.
Waynette Harness, UT Master Gardener
I love it all esp the salad bowl garden