Hello, Tom here. We had a small break in the weather to gather soil samples, and the coal counties were in class 4 full days this week. We started some seed at a school greenhouse to help us get prepared for spring, if it ever comes. The winter’s meetings, meetings, meetings, will soon become plantings, plantings, and more plantings. Exciting times!
We are working together with several local partners including extension, social services, local government, churches, food pantries and local businesses to help us identify the communities’ needs as they pertain to access to fresh, healthy, nutritious food and to make our solutions sustainable ones.
This is my first blog. I look forward to future entries filled with pictures of beautiful sunny days, garden beds,fresh and healthy produce, dirty hands, smiling faces, and communities coming together!
HI Tom. Welcome. It is always good to put where you are located in your blog post. It will help people relate to you better and give us a reference point. For instance, your comment about the coal counties being in school four full days this week…here in Floyd County KY, we have had two full weeks so far this year. See now we relate. Look foreward to hearing more from you. Have a sunny day.