2013, We hardly knew ya!
2014, We hardly know ya!
Seed order–done and done. Garden Manual–itching to get on the press and into the hands of the people.
Herbs, lettuce, spinach, kale and onion started indoors? Yup, yup, yup, and yup!
With the help of local girl scout troop #451 we kicked off the seed-starting season (Imbolc–mid-way between winter & summer solstice!)
We also welded our MLK celebration with our love and appreciation of full-season gardening. The purpose? Acknowledgment of peaceful acts of resistance that constitute experimental horticulture and the cultivation of nourishing food.
I’ve been blogging at the ASD Grow Appalachia site, namely Appalachian Sustainable Development’s Project Grow Your Own, since February 2012. This is my last entry. Brian, May 2013 Emory & Henry graduate and new Sustainable Agriculture OSM/VISTA will be taking over my work on this program and other work related to ASD’s food access and agricultural education missions.
So, look out for Brian in the weeks to come. I’ve been truly blessed to be part of the Grow Appalachia team.
Heather Beverly Jeffreys–Real Plants Real Poems
enjoyed your post, best of luck where ever your heading
Heather, you have been a real asset to Grow Appalachia. I hope your next steps give you room to use your gifts and talents.