Well we had our last meeting of the year last night and it feels a little sad to say goodbye for 2013. One of our members did a talk on Worm Composting. It was really interesting and we are all trying to think of cheap ways to build a worm house similar to his $100 one off the internet. We still have lots of greens,root and cole crops in the garden, low tunnels and high tunnel though. So even though were not having another meeting this year we are still harvesting. I’m worried what will survive of them after tomorrow nite though as it could get down to 11 degrees. Yikes who would think we’d get that cold of weather now. It was snowing when we came out of our building last nite. BRRRRR Anyway they’ve survived 3 nites of 19ish so far so we will see. We’ve been just loving all the fall crops. They are soooo good. I’m going to Michigan tonight to spend Thanksgiving with my family and I’ve got a cooler full of greens, broccoli, kohrabi, cabbage, radishes, and turnips. I’ll take some of my Green tomato chutney and pepper jelly to eat on crackers with cream cheese for the group too. I’m so delighted to share all the wonderful produce with my family. I’m sooooo THANKFUL for Grow Appalachia making our community garden possible and all the new friends I have because of it. A BLESSED HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO EVERYONE IN GROW APPALACHIA!!!!!!!!!!! Sue@LMU
Merry Christmas Everyone from Rose Hill VA. Rick and I came, late season, into the program but were much impressed with the work, farm and quick friendships made.We are excited to begin 2014 growing season. It will be here soon won’t it? I love getting SEED catalogs to brouse thru and plan my garden while its snowing outside. Stay well and enjoy as the winter months bring us spring. Love Rick and Beverly Nelson