Somehow I always forget just what a busy time fall is. Trying to get all the fall crops in, while still picking and harvesting and putting up all that stuff. We’ve had a good turnout first planting the fall greens on the 4th of Sept then putting in cabbage, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, and kohlrabi the 11th. Bill’s been working hard with his crew of guys getting the high tunnel ready to plant. He got some unused raised beds ready to plant and experiment with making them low tunnels. I planted a variety of greens and cole plants in them, even threw in some strawberry daughters. It will be interesting how things fare the winter and how much we get out of the different areas.
We’ve been trying hard to harvest all the dried beans including the half runners. I’ve found the dried half runners make very good soup beans. Those beans are like the giving tree they just keep providing. And when you think you’ve got all the beans off just think of the nitrogen they’ve put into the soil.
I made a very good soup this week using the pink1/2 runners “Puerto Rican Dried red bean stew” which also has pumpkin and those aji dulce peppers in it I adore. Well I guess that’s all for now. Happy Fall all!!! Sue @ LMU
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