Hello everyone,

Recently we held our 1st plant and seed exchange at the farmers market.  Turn out was small, we had about 12 people who attended.  Which in itself isn’t a bad showing for the first exchange.   I have had numerous people since  say I wish I had known or I forgot all about it.  Those who attended felt it was successful and are very excited to have more in the future.  We discussed we need to have several every year.

I have no photo’s to share  unfortunately, I was so busy looking at what was brought by everyone and listening to what they were sharing on their items.  I forgot to take a picture of anything.  Not to mention, I was working trades for myself  (way too funny).    I can tell you somethings I brought to share and then I will tell somethings I came home with.  Some items I took  were purple irises,  yellow day lillies,  walking onions,  spearmint,  rosemary,  oregano, monkey grass and lots of other things I can’t remember.

Egyptian  Walking Onions


Photo: http://thehomesteadsurvival.com/egyptian-walking-onions-perennial-onion/#.UhL2S1fHa3g

Egyptian Walking Onions – The Perennial Onion 

This article gives the history, when to plant, how to harvest and the life cycle of walking onions.

for more information:

Egyptian Walking Onions – The Perennial Onion

Walking onions are fascinating to learn about.  I was giving mine several years ago by my uncle who sent me home with some bulbs  to plant in my own garden.  Everyone at the seed exchange got to take some of these home.

I came home with raspberry canes,  lambs ear,  rose of sharon,  american beauty bush, sweet woodruff, hibiscus seeds,  some wildflower seed mix,  dried bean seeds.  I even worked a trade with one lady who wanted something I had but had nothing to trade,  I scored a bar of lavender soap that she had made herself.

We enjoyed the fellowship of other gardeners,  shared our love of growing things and a little bit of knowledge with each other.  There were many other things there that were traded I  just can’t remember everything.  If you ever get the chance to join in on a exchange like this I highly recommend it or better yet encourage you to host one in your area.


Cathy Lackey