Never too young to learn!
Three little boys came to see their Nana, little did they know, Nana was going to put them to work. It was a great activity for them to learn how to properly water a tomato plant and also provided a great escape from the extreme heat we have been having.
At Scott Christian Care Center we had tomato plants that were left over from our plant distribution that came out of Scott High School’s greenhouse. With about 50 five gallon buckets we created a bucket garden with tomato and pepper plants. What in the world will do with all those tomatoes and peppers? We want to give some to folks coming to our food bank. A great way to share with those less fortunate than we are, but we have far grander plans. Scott Christian Care Center is in the middle of a transformation. We are working on a certified kitchen. What is a certified kitchen you ask? It is a certification given by the State of Tennessee that allows us to process foods we may sell them. What’s so exciting about that is our gardeners can come to the Center with produce from their gardens, process it and be able to sell it at the new Scott County Farmer’s Market. We also have plans to make our kitchen a classroom where we can teach classes on canning, healthier cooking, and a whole host of other things.
In the last week and a half, we have had a missionary crew come in tear down walls, put new ones up, move wiring, haul away a mountain of materials torn out of the building
Walls being tore down
Our construction crew
Then we were blessed to have another missionary group come in on Monday and help clean up and get things back in shape for the food bank to be opened Tuesday and the free medical clinic, Wednesday.
A great group of volunteers
waiting to leave
Electrical Students from Tennessee Technology Center
Thursday, students came in from our local Tennessee Technology Centers electrical class. We are so lucky to have them doing this for us. It is a great learning experience for the students too.
We have had what some would call a disaster here right now with all the construction going on, but the staff at the Center view it as progress. Watch for future updates. We will be sharing more as the work progresses.
How exciting!