This week, everyone here in Williamson has been playing some serious catchup after hosting such a large group of volunteers last week— while also preparing for another group who is set to come in next week!! As I mentioned in our last blog, this was the largest group of volunteers that we have yet to have, and also the largest group Amizade has ever worked with!! (which is why I slacked a little on the blog last week…) with a total of 70 volunteers, it is an understatement to say that they made vast progress on our community garden, and have completed several of goals of its ultimate structure and plan.
Here, you will find some pictures of some of the projects that the students worked on throughout the week. These photos are only some of many taken from our community garden. The group also worked at several other sites, and constructed raised gardening beds at several other low-income housing facilities in Mingo County. Several of the projects they started will take several weeks to complete, but others they knocked out easily. The group from Boston, for example, started the construction of an Arboretum, constructed EIGHT more raised beds which will be rented to community members, and have helped to beautify it quit a bit by tackling some weed issues and by moving old wood and rocks that we no longer needed.
These students were a tremendous help, as they really helped with our goal of increasing access to local foods. No joke, I received three phone calls from low-income housing residents today who are interested in renting another gardening bed. They also helped to create a space that will require less labor in the long run, and which will also be more attractive and welcoming to the community.
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