We have started harvesting garlic. I think because of so much rain it wants out of the ground before I thought it would. Two things I’ve never seen. Reddish bulbils coming in the stems of the polish white garlic and I’m not sure what they are called but little ?cloves forming around the outside of the garlic bulbs on the elephant garlic. I read an article online about the value of starting new plants from the bulbils. “Growing garlic from bulbils.pdf from the Canadian Garlic Growers” www.cog.ca/uploads/TCOG%20Articles/Growing%20garlic%20from%20bulbils.pdf Actually I planted bulbils from my moms garlic last fall, I haven’t harvested it yet but it looks almost as big as what I planted from cloves. My mom’s garlic has been passed through the family coming from our German ancesters.
Things are growing like crazy at the garden. Thanks to some good help monday nite we got the beans stakes in and at least the 1st row of string for them to climb. And Eddie was kind enough to rotor till them. Wednesday nite only 2 brave ladies Pat and Marcy came (rain earlier) scared others away. We got more shredded paper spread and more potatoes weeded. By the way with the shredded paper and mulched leaves we have way way less signs of disease on our tomatoes. Actually the only ones with yellowed leaves at the bottom were the ones we hadn’t mulched yet.
Last nite I noticed the 1st Japanese Beetles UGH! Michelle discovered the 1st raspberries to eat! YUM OUR 1st onions are ready we started from seed. Fascinating they have caught up with sets I planted in March. So why bother with sets from now on. Way cheaper to grow them yourself.
Take care everyone and Happy 4th! Once again I’m inspired, awed and humbled by your posts. Sue @ LMU
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