As Director of the UK Robinson Center for Appalachia Resource Sustainability, I am very excited to be a partner in Grow Appalachia.  Although we are providing significant support for Grow Appalachia activities in Breathitt County, the Robinson Center (RCARS) is a regional resource available to everyone.  Please share with me any ideas for educational materials and programs that you think will  benefit our Grow Appalachia families.

One of our more popular RCARS programs is our Mountain Monday Series.  These educational programs are scheduled for the second Monday of each month and cover a wide range of topics over the course of each year.  Next Monday, June 10 at 6:30 p.m. the program will be “Starting Fall Vegetable Plants” presented by Dr. Shawn Wright, Extension Horticulture Specialist at RCARS.  On July 8, the program is entitled, “The Thrill of the Grill with a Chill” presented by Martha Yount,  Breathitt County FCS agent and Sarah Brandl, FCS Regional Specialist.  If you’re not able to travel to the Robinson Center in Breathitt County for these and future Mountain Monday programs, you can still join us live via U-stream (

The picture I’ve attached is of a pole bean trellis system Darrell Sloan with the UK Horticulture Dept developed and evaluated at the Robinson Center last summer.  We provided all our Grow Breathitt County families with the poles etc to try the system out in their gardens this year.  I’m hoping to get valuable feed back on how well the system worked from each family at the end of the summer.

This week the big garden issuse were the Colorado Potato Beetle and early blight on tomatoes.  We meet with our Grow Breathitt County families at the Robinson Center next Tuesday evening to discuss these and other management issues.  Dr. Wright is planning on  being on hand to answer questions and make recommendations.

Pole bean trellis system

Pole bean trellis system