<3 About me <3
Hello, my name is Courtney Parker. I am Salena Henson’s Daughter and part of the youth gardening program here at the LCAAHC. I Am 13 Years old. This year is my first year of gardening. I would like to learn how to grow my own garden. So, I can grow my own healthy foods when I’m older. I have heard some stories about how my mom and Mr. Wayne were raised. The price of food has changed from when they were kids and now. I can only imagine how much it will be when I’m there age and my kids are mine. So, I want to spend my summer learning how to conserve money by growing my own food.
Last year my family and I struggled. But, now we can help the less fortunate. We have Chickens for Eggs, Pigs for Pork, and Rabbits for other kinds of meats. And we give some of this food to our Elderly Church Members and To the Senior Citizen Homes.
We grow Strawberries in raised beds on 4th street in London KY. I love picking them with my family. I would like to learn to Make strawberry pies and Jelly because my great grandma made strawberry jelly. She passed a few years ago. Her jelly was so good that I want to carry on her tradition.
U go court