Heather here
We FINALLY harvested some produce for the food pantry. Grow Your Own gardeners have been harvesting for awhile, as we began giving out plants in early March, but we haven’t here at the central teaching garden. The EFIA garden has really gotten the short shrift in terms of attention.
Somehow with the rain, the tilling personal gardens, and this that and the other, it just took forever for our plants to get in the ground and for us to get out here. The last solid week of rain we had did not help as the garden was a mud pit.
I plan on, I mean, I WILL plant tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, squash, corn, and beans tomorrow….not like it’s late or anything…
But in any event, we harvested:
radishes (20 bunches)
lettuce (35 gallon-size bags)
spinach (6 gallon-size bags)
kale (12 gallon-size bags)
Lettuce has always been our biggest “seller” at the Ecumenical Faith in Action Stone Soup food pantry, so people will be excited. They are starting the show just about now actually….we harvested this afternoon to fill the fridges in time for their 5-7 pm distribution.
Also, if anyone wants to try something extremely difficult, try sod-ripping and tilling a garden on a slope. It takes two people–one to push the sod-ripper and the other to pull it. Things like that, to get other folks in planting mode, have been taking up our time. We need a new plan for breaking ground. Until next time!
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