Heather here.
We had our “Summer is Calling” class. This is our big push where all our tomatoes, eggplants, peppers are distributed. Also, seed for beans, corn, winter and summer squash, and herbs and flowers such as basil, dill, cilantro, and marigolds.
Something we also do is corn transplants, so people can have two successions of sweet corn.
We walked around our educational garden and rotated through tomato planting and trellising station, row cover station, beneficial insect ID and pest ID station, and had a demonstration on safe spray techniques. We talked about when and why to spray, and other options before using sprays.
We also demonstrated spacing and hilling of squash and cucumbers, and explained the different growth habits of winter and summer squash.
Everyone picked up some trellis, twine, t-posts, Neptune’s Harvest liquid fertilizer, and Copper and Serenade.
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