As part of our efforts here in Williamson  to attract more people to the community gardens and space, we have put a very specific and strong emphasis on beautification the past couple of weeks. With spring temperature  finally upon us, it has inspired us to get out and work on our garden space nearly every day!


A few weeks ago, we ordered a ton of edible flowers for the space, as well as a cover crop, crimson clover, for an area that needs to have its soil built up (badly) and which is very bare and not very attractive at the moment. We hope that the little purple flowers full of nitrogen will be a great new asset for the year.

Almost every day we have been weeding and planting, and last week we finally purchased some very affordable nameplates for each of the raised gardening beds. We hope this will make our gardeners feel more comfortable, welcome and more committed to their beds. We also used the name tags to label our own plant varieties within the high tunnel.

Susan Courtney is one participant whose bed is already looking great!

Susan Courtney is one participant whose bed is already looking great!


While only several of our gardeners have planted thus far, we will be hosting a planting workshop next week. Here, we will hand out extra seeds and plants that we have, as well as assist new gardeners and answer any questions they may have. Our last frost date is May 10th, so this will allow us to finally get everything in the ground!