The warmer weather is finally here. If the rain holds off we can get to gardening. The last few days we have been able to plow 6 of our garden locations. 3 are ready for planting. 3 will have to be plowed again before planting can begin. Angelica Gallegos is one of our gardeners, she has been in our program for 3 years now. A single mom, taking care of her kids on her own. The garden is something that brings them together. While she works, her son and daughter helps in the garden. It also provides them with food that they love. Peppers are one of this families favorite. They will plant many other things, such as cabbage, corn, beans, cauliflower, brussels spouts, onions, zucchini, and squash. Thier ground is ready to go. I can’t wait to go back and see what all they have going on. This is just the beginning.
Another garden ready for planting. The Hoskins family. Rick, and Tina are in their 2nd year with us and are excited to get started. They have a small mobile greenhouse that they have started some plants in. To see them is just heart touching. Thier boys are off in college and the garden helps them occupy their time. Tina cans and dehydrates everything in the garden. She has the most amazing ideas of how to do things. It is resourceful and inexpensive. She is a bargain hunter. I have learned a lot from her, now just got to put it to use. Cant wait to see what all they come up with this year.
This is 2 gardens that are ready. Next week we will have more as long as the rain hold off. Things should start taking shape and color. These plants will be in the ground, getting the nutrients and water they need to make for some yummy meals later in the year.
Good Luck and God Bless!!!
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