This morning after watering in the greenhouse and planting 3 flats of peppers and tomatoes I went over to my raised bed determined to plant lettuce, spinach, carrots, beets and peas.  The soil with the leaf mulch I had put on last fall turned pretty easily and wasn’t to wet which I feared with all the rain we’ve had.  I got in all the seeds just as it began to sprinkle rain.  Perfect timing.  One of the varieties of tomato I planted was Abraham Lincoln which we did have the 1st year we started but not since.  It seems like since we are at Lincoln Memorial Univ.  we should have Abe Lincoln tomatoes Right?  Oh I also moved the cabbage,onions and parsley outdoors to harden off as it shouldn’t freeze the next several days.

At our monday night meeting we had a new member Kathy talk about “Planting by the signs”.  She was raised planting (well more like living by the signs) with her Grandmother.  She did quite a bit of research about Planting by the signs on her own through the years talking with older people in the area about the subject and found they believed pretty much what her grandmother did.  She gave us handouts she had compiled from the Foxfire books esp ?book 5, which also agreed with her grandmothers teachings.

So today when I got home from the garden I consulted with my calendar from First State Financial which has planting by the signs to see if I’d planted on an OK day.  And by golly I had especially for root crops.  The spooky thing was it also said it was going to rain today and it sure is raining right now.

Mr. Bill hopes to get plowing this weekend and hopes to plant potatoes tuesday the day for several days according to planting by the signs to plant root crops.  Wish us luck!   Sue