Cowan Community Center has had a longtime partnership with LKLP, a Community Action Agency established by the Kentucky General Assembly. LKLP was incorporated in 1966 and has been serving the residents of Letcher, Knott, Letcher and Perry Counties for over 40 years. Today, LKLP offers 26 federal, state and local funded programs, targeted mainly to the low-income disadvantaged residents of our area. However, several agency programs are available to the general public. Currently, LKLP operates a headstart program in the Cowan Community Center.
We are so appreciative that LKLP recognizes the goals of Grow Appalachia as being common goals that they too have for the area and find the Cowan Community Center and Grow Appalachia worthy of donating a 4-wheel drive truck to better implement the goals of Grow Appalachia.
During our first year, we relied on a 15+ year old passenger van to transport supplies and visit gardens, sometimes holding our breath as we backed out of hollers or off mountain driveways. The generous gift of this truck will allow for easy transporting of our tiller, tools, fertilizer and will meet any need our gardens should have. The truck is now licensed, insured and ready to roll. Still working on our special Grow Appalachia/Cowan Community Center signage.
Again, special thanks to LKLP for this very in-kind donation. It is very rewarding to see programs/agencies with common goals working together to better serve the community. Grow Appalachia is quickly becoming recognized as a group that folks want to be involved with in many aspects.
This is great news!