Scott County Grow Appalachia Program has expanded this year to include McCreary County, Kentucky.  In both counties , we have a combined  64 individual gardens and 10 community gardens.  The community garden sites include a high school, preschool, Boys and Girls Club, Jail, soup kitchen, Church, Domestic violence shelter,  a food bank, and an apartment complex.


McCreary County, Ky


Scott County, Tn


 C L A S S E S

G a r d e n   P l a n n i n g

   Understanding Soil Samples


M A S T E R   G A R D E N E R


Master Gardener Program:  We have 26 Grow Appalachia participants that are in the UT Extension Master Gardener program in Scott County.   To complete and maintain their certification, they will each be required to provide 30 volunteer service hours per year.   The Grow Appalachia program will be working closely with the UT Extension office to oversee the volunteer service hours of these new master gardeners.


G R E E N H O U S E    P R O J E C T

The Grow Appalachia team worked with the Scott High School Kids to repair our greenhouse.

G A R D E N   F E V E R

Cathy Lackey

Master Gardener University of Kentucky/

Grow Appalachia Participant


Wow, February is almost gone.  It will not be long before we will be getting garden fever.  Anyone who has grown a garden in the past knows exactly what garden fever is. Those who are first time gardeners will soon find out.  It only takes a few warm sunny days to start that fever. We need to remember, the next couple of months are very likely to have cold weather.   Now for the die-hard gardeners, those who are willing to go that extra step, take chances:  Well, we have things already growing.  In my personal garden, I have spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, carrots, cabbage, garlic, and onions. I also have some perennial herbs growing.  Not everyone may be able to accomplish this.  It is possible for me because I have a raised bed that I can turn it into a mini hoop house when I am not growing summer crops in it.


Preparing the garden

Things to do in the garden in February 

  • Plan your garden.
  • Make a line drawing of your garden.
  • Order seeds or turn in your plant lists.
  • Clean- up any debris in the garden.
  • Get a soil test.
  • Make a compost area, (if you haven’t already)
  • Construct cold frame.


Vegetable of the Month:  

K a l e

Growing in my garden 2-10-13


Kale is member of the Brassica family, which includes most greens such as collards, cabbage, brussels sprouts, and broccoli.  Kale is a curly leafed green that does not form heads like cabbage.  It is a cold tolerant plant surviving temperature as low -10° F. It can also be easily grown all winter. In fact, kale is better after it has been frosted heavily. The frost makes the kale sweeter because it converts the starches into natural sugars.

Kale is one of the healthiest vegetables that we can eat.  A one cup serving of kale contains 36 calories, 5 grams of fiber, 15% of daily requirements of calcium and Vitamin B6.  It packs a whopping 200% of daily requirements of vitamin C, 180% of vitamin A, 1020% of vitamin K.  It is also a good source of the minerals copper, potassium, iron and manganese.

 Kale can be used as we would any greens, It can be used in recipes calling for spinach, use it in casseroles, soups, or sautéed.  It has many uses that are limited only by our own imaginations.

Below is a recipe using kale;

Sausage and Kale Soup

1 Tablespoon canola oil   2 cans red beans

1 can diced tomatoes     1 medium onion

4 chicken bouillons cubes  4 cups water

2 cups diced potatoes ½ Teaspoon red pepper flakes

3 cups chopped kale Salt and pepper to taste

1   16 ounce Smoked sausage (Cut up)

In a large soup pan add oil, onions and smoked sausage.  Sauté for about 4 to 5 minutes, then add tomatoes, potatoes, water, bouillon cubes, red pepper flakes, salt and pepper.  Bring to a boil, reduce heat to simmer.   Cook about 20 minutes until potatoes are cooked.  Then add in kale simmer about another 20 minutes.  Mix up your favorite cornbread   recipe and have it baking as your soup finishes up.

Nutrition information from:  Kathleen M. Zelman MPH, RD, LD,  Web MD Expert Column