At our last meeting Tuesday night, we discussed our garden’s progress and compared our produce stories with each other. Wayne, the Laurel Co. coordinator discussed high tunnels, fall gardens, and cover crops. Everyone turned in their produce sheets and discussed any problems or concerns that they have been having.
We also were treated with a 28 pound watermelon that Ricky, one of our participants brought to share, it was a Florida Giant variety.
Herman, one of the members told us of a old time method to tell if a watermelon is ripe and proceeded to show us.
Most of us had never heard of this before but it sure was true of this watermelon, it was so sweet and delicious. We were also treated with warm homemade Hawaiian banana nut bread. Despite learning so much at our meetings, we have also acquired many great friends along the way. Many of our members stay after the meetings just to talk and share stories with one another. We are going to share our heirloom seeds with each other sometime this Fall.
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