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The Real Values of a Vegetable Garden
The Real Values of a Vegetable Garden
Have you ever thought about growing a vegetable garden? If you have you’re not alone. There are a lot of good reasons to grow your own vegetables.
I know that home grow veggies are better than store bought and growing a garden, even a small one is very good exercise.
It’s also a fun family experience. Did you know you could burn 250 to 325 calories an hour by gardening? No gym membership required. Just go outside and get involved in your garden. Exercises are the beneficial side effects of growing your own super foods, And when you grow your own food, you know exactly what you’re eating because you know what’s in the soil, how it was fertilized, if there were any chemicals used, and how it was harvested. That’s a very “GREEN” solution to putting healthy foods on the table which are real values of raising a vegetable garden.
Big Ugly Community Center and the Grow Appalachia program are sad to announce that Ester Gray, our Project Coordinator, will be leaving us this week. She has done a wonderful job and will be greatly missed. As much as we hate to see her leave, we know she must move on to bigger and brighter things. We wish her the best of luck.
From left to right: Esther Gray, Marlena Workman & Annie Corathers
As for our youth group, their gardens are doing very well. The kids are back in school and will not have as much time to tend their gardens. They are looking forward to coming back to the afterschool program, so they can work in their gardens again. They are very excited about the pumpkin patch. Our site members are very busy, harvesting their vegetables and canning. We all have been very blessed this year.
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