Hello Everyone and hope everyone is doing well.
     As we come into July we are all now starting to enjoy our gardens.  Even though we have had a really
dry season.  I gardens have been doing well.
     All the particpants are very thankful for the Grow Appalachia program, and all it has brung into
our community.
     The particpants of the program we all very excitied to receive the pesticides for their gardens.  And some we were ready to apply the same day.
    Allthough we have had a really dry season to start as I said eariler I am very please to say I our
gardens are producing vegetables that are wonderful not only tasting but in size.
     Old timer tips: Keeping hands Soft: Continous work in the garden makes the hand grimy and hard.
  Next time you come in from the garden, work up a soapy lather in your hands and add about half a teaspoon of ordinary sugar which has been moistned. This treatment not only cleans the hands, but leaves them beautiful and soft.
Protect your smaller tools: Your smaller garden tools can be protected from rusting by keeping a pail of sand near the garage or cellar door and plunging them into the sand when through with them.