Heather here.
Thursday was a good day for the garden. A good day to be alive, in general.
Yes, there is a heatwave coming. Yes, the plants may have a meltdown. But when you have a crew of volunteers, the sun is out, the garden is vibrant and things are getting done, everything seems suddenly not such a big deal.
Today Denise Peterson, the project coordinator and I, worked with our volunteers. Jody, Taylor, Nora, and Sammie all come out on a regular basis, and it makes all the difference.
We were joined by a new volunteer named Ona, and two ladies from the Americorps VISTA organization came out to take photos, tour the garden, and talk with volunteers and project participants. (For more information about how Americorps helps strengthen not-for-profit projects like these please contact me–hjeffreys@asdevelop.org)
Thursdays are a good day for the media to come out and for us to build awareness of the project while simultaneously taking care of the garden, training volunteers, and helping participants. I let everyone know I will be in the garden every Monday and Thursday, and this is when they can come by with problems, to borrow supplies, receive more plants and seeds, identify pests, or just come talk about their gardens. Two participants came by today–Tony and Lavonda. Lavonda had some questions about cucumber trellising and wanted to know what plants she could plant next as she was finished with her radish plantings, and has an empty garden bed ready and waiting. Tony came by to get some Serenade for his tomatoes, and to shoot the breeze–topics included being so far right you’re left and thrip damage on onion plants.
In order to prepare for the heatwave, I watered the garden heavily on Wednesday and Thursday evening, and will do the same again this evening (Friday). After that, the plants will be left to rely on the millions of years of evolving intelligence swirling through their forms.
Volunteer Taylor helps with harvest |
Be light, live lighter
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