Canning Class –  We had our first canning class this week.  Our focus was on safety and proper use of pressure canners.  We gave our participants their pressure canners, and they were thrilled! We are offering more hands-on canning classes for our participants closer to harvest time.

Canning safety class

AGAPE Preschool   – The Children at the Agape Preschool are enjoying their garden.  They colored pages of vegetables that we are going to use to make signs for their garden.  These colorful signs will label the vegetables in their garden. 

Pictures from their garden planting-


 Garden Participant of the Week  – Mrs. Phillips

Mrs. Phillips has planted a beautiful 40′ x 60′ garden that she takes care of herself.  She planted a large garden so that she can share with her friends, family, and neighbors.    Her garden is doing great,  even though it completely flooded this spring!  By the time that the Grow Appalachia team found out that her garden had flooded, she had already dug a small ditch on two sides of her garden to help drain the water.  She is an amazing lady! 

Mrs. Phillips is so generous that I could not leave without my own bag of goodies!