Greetings from the Cowan Community Center!

Last Monday, the Cowan Community Center planted the daycare center’s garden with the help of ten enthusiastic daycare attendees.  With daycare workers, community center workers, and some more experienced gardeners working on hoeing the rows and preparing the land, the children fell on the task of putting the plants in the ground with gusto.

When we arrived at the daycare, a couple of the children were “planting” their own gardens in the sandbox, and were eager to volunteer themselves to help plant the big plot behind the playground.  Veronica assured us that she was a “wonderful gardener,” and that everybody was always asking for her advice on their own plants.  Needless to say, many hands make light work and with the prowess of kids like Veronica and all the other helpers, the plot was in and beautiful in no time.
Most of the garden was dedicated to rows of peppers, tomatoes, squash, beans, peas, corn, sweet potatoes, lettuce, and cabbage, but on half the plot we planted watermelon, gourds, and pumpkins around the edge so they could crawl out into the rest of the field and not take over the plot itself.  Everybody was really excited to see where their garden goes, and can’t wait to continue with more garden-themed activities in the weeks to come!

“Digging like a dog”

Planting peppers!

Surveying the land.

Community gardener, Chase, helping to plant some corn.