Well… That’s really the only way to describe it, honestly! We are currently enjoying the abundance at Bluegrass Domestic Violence Program. We have been busy harvesting, processing, preparing, freezing, fermenting and just loving all of the fresh produce coming from our bountiful gardens! All I can say is it has been a whole lot of fun in the kitchen these days…. You all know how it is… a bunch of powerful women cooking up some good food together. What a time!
In the last week we have made kim chee (client request), garlic scape pesto, and kale chips on top of all of the fresh garden meals that our lovely kitchen coordinator, Christina prepares. We have been drying herbs and flowers and freezing broccoli and cauliflower. Today we will have a class on using fresh herbs. Blog and pics to come soon!
Along with all of our in-house abundance we have begun marketing some of our products to the community through an on-line pre-order system. In partnership with two other non-profits, Seedleaf and In-Feed, Watershed Farm of BDVP is doing a weekly distribution of cut flowers, fresh herbs, and select produce! Folks can take a look at what’s available each week and pre-order and pre-pay for their weekly pick-up. Pick-up occurs at our favorite local coffeeshop, Third Street Stuff, located in downtown Lexington. We had our third distribution yesterday and not, only are we making some sales but, we are just flat having a good time!
You can take a look at our on-line market here:
This on-line sales strategy seems to be a good fit for us. We know what to harvest before going to market and though we do bring a bit extra for additional purchases, we are ending up with less waste. Our organizations have a pretty dedicated internet and facebook following so this is a good way for us to keep folks in the loop and draw community support.
I don’t think I could end this post without letting the world (and the blogosphere) know how thankful we are for the opportunity to be doing this work. It’s pretty awesome to spend my work days growing, sharing and preparing organic food, working with bees and herbs, making flower bouquets and all antural body products with a group of strong and amazing women (there are some great fellas and kiddos at BDVP ,too!) I personally feel that it is truly a gift to be a part of this program!
Our First Basket of Produce Sold! |
Yum Yum Yum! |
Fresh Broccoli |
Blanched in Salted Boiling Water |
Immediate Ice Bath |
Ready for the Freezer |
Fresh Kim Chee Ingredients From Garden |
Kim Chee |
Garlic Scapes |
Blending Olive Oil, Scapes, Cheese, Nuts, Salt |
Put that pesto in the Freezer, too! |
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